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      Top 21 Types of Blogs that You can Create Today

      Blogging is an internet staple these days. Also, personal websites that get used as types of bloggers are not quite what they used to be. On the first chance that you are a novice blogger or a writer that needs to begin a blog interestingly, it’s imperative to identify what type of blogs you will create, and you need to get to know your blog niche.

      Furthermore, on the first chance that you need to promote yourself, your enthusiasm, your item, or your cause, then a personal blog is the best approach with different types of blogs.

      Top 21 Types of Blogs and their Purposes 

      1. Design Blogs

      Design websites are subjects that are very famous among readers. Design isn’t simply limited to clothes yet additionally includes styling, designing, makeup, and hairstyling. You can expect a bright future here on the first chance that you have a decent eye for design, its trends, and styling. However, design is a broader theme.

      There are several niches included in the word style. It is recommended to work upon a specific niche rather than covering style as a whole. The niche subjects may include design wear, designer wear, hair styling, styling, makeup, etc.

      Style is a niche where websites are meant to be beautiful and more vivid. These are designed in a manner that there is no way that anyone could move his idea from looking over it once he comes across the website with the various types of blogs.

      2. Personal Blogs

      Personal websites were the primary type of web journals to develop their way in the stream of blogging. These are the types of online journals you can begin with. Blogging started in the late ’90s with a journal as the primary diary to be shared online.

      The diary included human expressions, stories, considerations, and feelings. It was the time when there were no rules and restrictions for composing. These are the types of websites that make money. Even today, personal websites are one of their sorts.

      Anyone can share them; however, the challenge is to connect with people. It would be best if you tracked down the like-minders, which is marginally troublesome.

      3. Professional Blogs

      As the name suggests, professional bloggers are engaged in generating revenue. Every one of the steps is directed towards monetization. The work includes composing SEO optimized content to drive traffic and increase conversion, advancements in other businesses, advertising, and creating data.

      Professional bloggers work on niches where their every blog can drive traffic, sell items. The niche is selected depending upon the active audience and competition over it. The objective of a professional blogger is to raise the lead in sales.

      They work with enhancement on the – source of inspiration button, greeting page, contact structures, etc., to pull in rush hour gridlock to their place by the type of blogs.

      4. Lifestyle Blogs

      Lifestyle blogging includes workmanship, culture, architect, news, legislative issues, human interests, food, dresses, neighbourhood history, and events, etc. It covers several themes in a broader range, being the well-known type of blog with various readers.

      Several bloggers work on lifestyle blogging as it offers a choice of content. This gives a chance for bloggers to generate followers and increase traffic in lesser time. One with a variety of interests can decide on this type of blogging. Lifestyle bloggers get numerous opportunities like being a speaker or an influencer attempting to overcome social differences.

      5. Finance Blogs

      Finance consistently requires a second idea or expert advice. People search carefully for finance managers to solve their issues. So, finance web journals have numerous readers and audiences.

      Finance bloggers write about investment strategies that people should plan to help their families over the long haul. They share content valuable for entrepreneurs, investors, new businesses, special reserve funds, etc.

      The audience of such sites is the ones who are interested in overseeing and generating money. These are the exceptionally read writes and have bunches of competition in the market.

      6. Affiliate Blogs

      Chipping away at Affiliate blogging refers to expounding on the items and services of other websites and generating traffic upon them. Through the traffic, the bloggers encourage the guests to purchase the stuff utilizing the affiliate connect mentioned.

      They make use of a source of inspiration catch to drive the guest to the affiliate interface. They earn the commission from the websites selling out those items. It’s a choice of affiliate bloggers to create the board website or different websites dedicated to different brands.

      Their primary assignment is to rank them high on SERP utilizing the best SEO techniques. They should know how and which audience to target. All the content written over here is specifically on the items and their reviews or dispatch or instructional exercise.

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      7. Guest Blogs

      Guest online journals are written to post on a website that already has excellent after. This is done to gather the audience at your place and help your item reach out to the masses. There is no more need to hire a writer in your busy time. It would be best if you contacted great bloggers who would guest be able to blog for you.

      8. Do-It-Yourself Blogs

      These are the most exciting type of web journals. There is a large audience searching for new ideas, hacks, and DIYs. The DIY web journals deal with workmanship and speciality, development, metal and wood DIYs, old stuff hacks, Fashion DIYs, home decor, etc.

      These are the most mainstream types of web journals among readers and therefore has rich competition. On the first chance that you are creative and love developing things at home, you are generally welcome to this field. Once more, even these web journals have a broader niche.

      9. Food Blogs

      There is no uncertainty about the prevalence of these web journals. Food web journals pull in people for healthy eating propensities, recipes, reviews, ingredients, eating, etc.

      On the off chance that these points are your interest, go for food blogging. It has a broader career ahead. Food bloggers generally start their career with reviews and instructional exercises. There are only a couple of steps after that when they get opportunities to taste food for its worth and promote the restaurants.

      10. Niche Blogs

      Niche blogging means that you need to be more specific about the theme you will blog on. This helps you work and cover that specific niche inside and present the deep data to your audience. This is one of the best types of websites that make money and have variety incorporated inside.

      These websites are sometimes unsafe to choose from as it could be hard to target a wide range of audience. Therefore, you might be successful just when you have a splendid arrangement that will pull in more rush hour gridlock.

      11. Travel Blogs

      Travel websites are an absolute necessity for people. The stage encourages you to visit the beauty throughout the planet. These types cover the exploration theme, guides, maps, well-known restaurants, hotels, and nearby shops.

      The cheap air travel has strengthened the success of these web journals. People love to travel more these days. Travelling is currently more fun and easy these days. All gratitude for travelling sites.

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      12. Step by step instructions to Blogs

      These are the most accessible types of online journals. You have to describe the things you know about. Begin composing an instructional exercise advertisement explain it step by step.

      Even how-to web journals have observed a large audience base as every day, several people read about the items they need to purchase. So, you can say, How-to online journals have a successful blogging career.

      13. Current Affair Blogs

      Current undertakings are the subjects of knowledge that everyone needs to and should think about. Keeping your blog updated with current undertakings throughout the planet is the most lively content any blog could offer.

      These online journals are in popularity among people of all generations as their subjects are in variety. It includes news, new advancements, the share market, what’s going on around the world, which movie is on the blockbuster, the latest style, etc. Some bloggers additionally include items and services with their current undertaking web journals.

      14. Listicles

      Listicles are the most-shared sites over the internet and one of the exciting types of sites. They give a lot of data and are easy to read, even for those who hate reading. This is because the reader consistently prefers to skim through the blog.

      15. Case Study Blogs

      These are the experimental online journals where test how the item or services functions in real life. Through the implementation of different instruments, techniques, and services, result-driven case studies are commenced. In case of success, case studies become a guide to success for its readers. In our lifetimes, we all have read case studies to conclude to a point.

      Case studies can draw in a large audience if you know how to strategize because everyone around interests to learn about experiments.

      16. Political Blogs

      Political websites have specific yet a huge after. People who love legislative issues are deeply engaged to learn the latest news, political events, government plans, etc. Political types of web journals are trendy with grown-ups. Bloggers likewise share their assessments here and have an active investment of the audience in their web journals.

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      17. Movie Blogs

      People who love movies and following celebrities track down a huge success here. Movie sites include the review, rating, character data, release date and considerably more about the movies. Some of the movie bloggers additionally share data about celebrities and other movie stars.

      18. News Blogs

      News online journals are profoundly liked and read. People who aren’t able to make time for TV news looks down on the online written news. News web journals have conquered a considerable market today where awareness is the side-going objective with the other activities.

      People love to learn about governmental issues, science and technology, religion, the latest events, etc. News writers have a more comprehensive niche range. You can select the one which suits your mindset.

      19. Moving Blogs

      Moving types of sites share stories. People are interested in deriving motivation from your stories and websites. You glance around, and you will discover millions hoping to get hope and inspired. Here, you can write the account of your success from a failure or how you tackled the terrible time.

      20. Health and Fitness Blogs

      People are exceptionally motivated to remain fit these days. The daily awareness news and websites have made it possible. People need to lose/put on weight, follow the best diet plan, exercise to tone their muscles and learn different healthy food recipes. Health and Fitness blog all the above sorts of content and help motivated people to achieve success.

      21. Survey and Poll Blogs

      Survey and survey types of websites include quizzes dedicated to bringing out results rather than testing anyone’s knowledge. These help to get a review of the items and subsequently increase their functionality.

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      Ashish Trikha

      Founder at WebVerge and Team Lead in Business Technology at IIdl

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