Organic Click-through Rate is the ratio of the people who click through your site to the total impression of your site on the search results. The higher the CTR, the more is the organic traffic on your website. Click-through rates are very important for the ranking of the page.
There is an old saying in the World of SEO that says, “IF you want to hide a dead body hide it on the second page of Google’s search result”. The sites ranking on the second page almost get zero clicks.
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Ways to improve organic CTR:

- Long-Tail Keywords
There has been an evolution of keywords. Earlier the keywords for short phrases with about 2-3 words but now they have evolved to be lengthy. It is always better to use a cluster of keywords evenly spread out through your blog post or article rather than optimizing and researching a single keyword. This is a great way to earn organic clicks on your website.
- Meta-description
Writing powerful and relevant meta-description helps in winning an audience on the internet. Meta-description gives the user a hint that what they are going to see once they open the website. Meta-description is easy to write and is one of the major ranking factors of your website.
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- Posts with Interactive Images
Visual content not only attracts users but also improves click-through rates. According to many surveys, pictures and graphics were found to be very important as they make the website interesting.
- Title
Writing simple yet alluring titles is one of the most powerful ways to win an audience over the internet which people often overlook. The title should reflect what the post or the content is all about. This not only helps in getting traffic to your site but also helps in maintaining a loyal relationship with the user.
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- Page Load time
Improving the page load time is a very important part of gaining traffic on the internet. Sometimes people often visit your page and due to the loading time of your page, they close it and open another. In a world where everyone is in a hurry, make sure to optimize your page so that it has minimum loading time.
- Updating the content on your site
Updating the content on your site regularly according to the trends of the internet is very important. You can identify trends from Instagram hashtags, Twitter trending hashtags, etc. in order to ensure that your website goes with the societal trends. It is important to be aware of your surroundings and integrate the trends into your website.
- Descriptive URLs
Using descriptive URLs that may have the keywords is also equally important. URLs should be created in an SEO fashioned way so that people are allured towards them.
Organic traffic is one of the major factors in the world of digital marketing and it also influences the ranking of a website. Therefore it is important to follow certain steps to increase the organic CTR of your website.